Lider in the production
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Grow with us

We are convinced that the work that you like is the one to which you are willing to come, in which you feel comfortable, and which brings you joy and satisfaction. We recruit new employees throughout the year, depending on our needs.
If you are interested in working for MSU S.A., please send us your application consisting of a resume and cover letter, as well as consent for the processing of your personal data to: In case the application is submitted in response to a specific notice, please include in the message title the reference position for which you are applying.
Application documents of a candidate are verified in terms of professional experience, competence and skills. The best candidates are selected from the applications that correspond to the position profile, and they are invited to an interview.
Selected candidates are invited to an interview. The recruitment process for the production positions consist of a one step, and for the specialist positions, of two or three steps. Expect a demanding, but friendly recruitment! The received applications are evaluated against the requirements set out in the job offer. The job interview is attended by a recruitment specialist and future supervisor.
After the recruitment, within 2 weeks after the interview, all participants receive feedback on the final results and the decision taken.
In the first days of work, all our new Employees are provided with reliable implementation programme and tutor who will calmly lead them through a stressful period of the first weeks in the new Company.
Your knowledge and experience are important, but not all. From persons who want to join us, we expect attitudes consistent with our values. If you identify with our values – apply for position at MSU S.A.!
When preparing for the job interview:
•    carefully analyse our notice, think about qualifications and skills from your personal and professional life that make you suitable for the position;
•    get additional information about the Company;
•    think about what questions you want to ask the future employer;
•    make sure that you know the exact address, date of meeting and name of the person with whom you are to meet.
Current vacancies are published on the websites,, and other recruitment websites.
In view of the constant development of Employees, MSU S.A. have created the original programme Talents Academy of MSU S.A.
It gives each Employee the opportunity for professional and personal development.
We rare aware that the first days of work play a major role in motivating new Employees and constitute a basis for building productive relationships of newly-employed person with their supervisor and the whole team.
Talents Academy of MSU S.A. is a programme of initial trainings that helps new employees to quickly understand and implement their objectives.
With it, new Employee:
•    learns about the nature and history of the Company (organisational culture and values);
•    familiarises themselves with the personnel policy regarding employee development opportunities;
•    develops new skills in performing their daily tasks;
•    is able to change positions within different specialisations/functions in the Company as part of internal recruitment;
•    takes part in internal and external trainings, development meetings (brainstorming, solving problems together), trainings to improve soft skills, focusing on personal development in a most important direction;
•    can obtain funding for education, which allows them to benefit from a range of training courses or fields of studies related to their work.